Turbo Trainer/Smart App Integration Services
Turbo Trainer / Smart App Integration Services
We believe that the best way to conduct a workout on your bike is for your bike computer, or your smart app, to tell you what to do and when to do it.
So, for example, you would be instructed by the app/computer when to finish your warm up, when to finish your intervals, when to cool down, as well as the relative intensities for the different phases.
We use Training Peaks to either reproduce your existing workouts, or construct new ones for you and then export them to a number of bike computers / smart apps including:
Garmin device
Kinetic Fit App
Racermate / Computrainer
Trainer Road
Wahoo Elemnt or Bolt
If your specific type of indoor trainer is not on the above list, then please drop an email to andy@sportivecyclecoaching.co.uk, as the list is not exhaustive. Each workout usually only needs to be loaded once as they can generally be built to automatically adjust to changes in your Heart Rate or Power Zones. All you have to do is ensure that your personal 'profile' in the smart app / smart trainer accurately reflects your personal metrics and then it's off you go to the workout!
The advantage of this approach is that we do the time consuming (tech) work so you get to focus on the hard (cycling) work!